Pollution Prevention Project
Holody Electro-Plating Limited has been awarded the prestigious P4 award from the Ministry of the Environment. This award acknowledges that we are an industrial leader with respect to operating our facility in an environmentally responsible manner.
The P4 award affords us use of this prestigious P4 logo in recognition and encouragement for companies like Holody Electro-Plating Limited for our forward thinking, and being environmentally conscious in our business practice.
Holody Electro-Plating Limited is a participant in the Metal Finishing Industrial Pollution Prevention Project, which is a multi-level body represented by Environment Canada, Ontario Ministry of the Environment, Canadian Association of Metal Finishers, and approximately 55 signatory companies. The mandate of this organization is to develop and promote effective methods of pollution prevention on a voluntary basis.
Holody Electro-Plating's Pollution Prevention Case Study is outlined below:
Waste and cost reduction / savings along with improved finish quality are on-going considerations at Holody. One project has been the installation of a unit to remove oil and suspended matter from their electro cleaner, and recycle the cleaner (less oils) back to the cleaner on line.
Substance(s) Being Targeted:
Alkaline electro cleaning solution
Target Reduction(s):
35% Raw material usage
80% Reduction in electro cleaner dumps
To extend cleaner life and reduce the amount of cleaner consumption, along with a reduction in the frequency of dumping spent cleaners to the waste water treatment system.
Project Description:
Installation of an electro alkaline cleaner recycling / oil coalescent removal unit later converted to compressed air.
Results & Advantages
The company has installed one coalescing unit for $2700.00. The equipment has provided a great extension of cleaner life (5 times) and reduced the frequency of oil saturated bath dumps from approximately one every 28 days to once every 5 months. Actual cleaner consumption has been reduced 40.8%, realizing on annual raw material cost savings of $2700.00, thus providing a 1 year pay back on the purchased equipment. Further results include lower waste treatment costs, reduction in oils migrating down line by capturing approximately 5 gallons a month of oil by the unit at the source.
Therefore, overall results include 5-time bath life extension, reduction in raw material cleaner consumption of 40.8%, and recovery of 5-gallons / month on skimmed surface oil with a one-year back on capital equipment.